Phenomenal Cosmic Powers… Itty Bitty Living Space.

This title came to me when I had been thinking of our journey here. Our human self vs our higher self. I was just discussing our souls and our consciousness the other day, how much of us is here and how much is still, not. While this title comes from Genie in Aladdin and his seemingly cursed life stuck in his lamp, I have stolen it. Phenomenal cosmic powers? Yes! Itty bitty living space? Also yes. I’ll explain, bear with me.

One of the questions I had the other day was “if someone reincarnated quickly, you can’t find them when their family comes to you, right?” Wrong. Confused? So were they. When we say “our higher self”, do we really know what this means? Do we think higher self is just a saying, as if our higher self is just a better version of who we are now? Our higher self is our source. Not THE source, but our source. It’s our consciousness that is far larger than this body could ever contain. We so often forget that we are souls on a human journey not the other way around. Connecting to our higher selves is us remembering, in part, what we are doing here. The amount of power we own is astronomical, what we can do for ourselves is endless, but with this itty bitty living space comes an itty bitty brain that overworks telling us we can’t. We get stuck living in this worlds rules and regulations. We must think this way, look this way, act this way, and work work work because abundance must be earned. Wrong! Abundance is ours, love is ours, and happiness is ours. We own them, they created us, it IS us, we just forget. In a way this body is our genie lamp, and for many, it’s a seemingly cursed life.
Back to the question that started all this. We have many lives, many lessons, and infinite turns until we get it right. Until we rest. Maybe you believe this maybe you don’t. Maybe I’ll tell you again in the next lifetime. See we often find the same souls over and over again. While I would like to think I’m figuring it out, I’m no where near done. I’m grateful for that really, if I’m done I wouldn’t be here anymore and I’m just getting the hang of this. When we pass we go through our life review. We remember our contract and know what our purpose was, then we get to see what we learned, what we taught, and what we still have yet to master. When ready, we get our next assignment and before you know it we are barreling through a birth canal ready to go again. So how can someone have been here, passed, came back, and still communicate with a prior life’s loved ones? Well because of our higher self of course. I had a hard time understanding this at first, then my cousin and mentor Connie explained it in a way that just worked. I’ve stolen that and now I’ll share it with you. See we are like the ocean. Let’s say I went to the ocean and pumped a truckload of water from it, then I headed out to Arizona(where we desperately need an ocean), then let’s say you went and took a bucket of water home with you. Would the ocean still exist where we found it? Yes it would. Would what I have or you have, regardless of size, be any less the ocean? No it would not. See the ocean is the source. It’s vast, powerful, beautiful. It flows into rivers, bays, and at times you’ll find it full of life in tide pools. It can be small, separate at times, and even different, but it’s still the ocean. It’s power no less, it’s saltiness the same, no matter where you take it, it’s the ocean. No matter how far you roam it’s source remains. We are like the ocean.
So if you’ve come to me and your father passed 20 years ago, is there a chance he has reincarnated? Absolutely. Will he show up for you? Absolutely. His source remains, it remembers everything. They know who you are and the role they played for you, while simultaneously knowing who they are now and the role they are currently playing. Like one giant puppet master but without all the creepy control. Our higher self is there watching, learning, and waiting. What lessons will we learn, what lessons will we dish out? Like our own giant database of information. Our higher self really has many roles. I have thought of many analogies, I love me some analogies. My point is that there is truly more to this life than this. Some understand that, some don’t. That’s ok. It is so much bigger than this, we aren’t meant to fully grasp it, to see it or “prove it” we must simply trust it. So let’s go back to the father that’s been gone for 20 years. While he is that role for you, he can also be someone’s beautiful 6 year old daughter. Like the ocean, he can be both and still be them. Two separate lives, two very different appearances, but still full of life.
This brings me to the next question, Will they tell me they reincarnated and who they are? Probably not, but maybe. For some it’s apparent, they reincarnate into the family again in a very obvious way. In these cases it’s mostly validation that you aren’t crazy for thinking your two year old is exactly like your dad. However, if this life isn’t meant to be so intermingled with yours then you won’t know. You aren’t meant to find them or be close to them or rewrite the story. Will your paths cross? Maybe. But that has to be determined by our journeys and not man made. This isn’t usually an issue, if your loved one comes through you aren’t really thinking, “I wonder if they are here somewhere?” Well maybe you will be now, this blog just became a double edged sword. You can ask all you want, if spirit is meant to tell you they will, if not, they will tell you it’s their journey not yours. They have no shame. It doesn’t exist there.
So why did I write all about this? Well for one, to use the cool ocean reference. Really though it got me thinking, do we really understand how powerful we are? The ocean swallow ships, it harbors millions of life sources, food, water, salt, ginormous whales. It’s all in there. At times the surface is clear, calm, and you swear you can see down for miles. Other times it’s rough, choppy, with waves that will take out entire cities. It’s power. We have this power. We get to choose though. Are we rough and choppy, are we taking out everything in our path? Are we calm and clear, are we harboring life in our depths with the same care as the little crabs and starfish in our pools? Both options are incredibly powerful, yet look and feel totally different. We have phenomenal cosmic powers, we just forget to use them in this itty bitty living space. So when you want to connect to your higher self, remember the ocean. Who you are now is just as important as who you’ve been and who you will be. Take the power back to be conscious of that. Learn, teach, grow, but most importantly, trust!


Holiday Reminder: You Are Enough

