It’s The Climb!

As most of you have heard, I love going to my canyon, it’s beautiful and always gives me inspiration. Today is no different, my canyon came through with another blog. I had the rare opportunity to go twice this last weekend, two beautiful days in a row. It was the second day, Sunday morning, that we decided to make “the big hike.” That’s how I refer to it anyway. It is probably not so big to some and maybe massive to others, to me it’s definitely big. Our usual route is a half mile or so and has two loops through this bird filled preserve, the big hike adds another half mile or so to that but it is an elevation change of over 700 ft, so it is a steep climb! I have an immense love/hate relationship with this climb but as I took it, I was writing this very blog in my head. This hike reminded me just how important the climb actually is.

If you’ve had any interactions with me you know my love for analogies and this hike will be another one, so buckle up buttercup! I am not the most in shape person, not by a lot, but I try. I am gratefully working on being stronger and healthier everyday. Some days better than others for sure, but I keep working on me. Needless to say this hike is hard for me, I breathe like a pug and sweat like a pig, and sometimes I even cry, but upward I go. When I look up at this trail it makes me want to quit. I can’t see the end, I just see more steps, and it can be so discouraging! Even during this hike I wanted t stop, everything in my body was telling me to do so. My lazy brain was like: “your legs hurt!” “You’re breathing is hard.” “You came this far!” and so on and so on. Let me tell you I wanted to listen so bad, but I had a place to go and I wasn’t going to quit! Life can be so much like this too. We often have a mountain to climb and sometimes it just sucks. We can’t see the end, the steps keep coming, and damn it, our legs hurt! Our lazy brain tells our soul all the excuses it can think of to abandon the climb. How many times have you turned around thinking, “I’ve come this far maybe I should just turn around and I will finish this next time.” You know that mentality telling us that we will get stronger first, lose a little more weight, up our cardio a bit, then try again. Well usually our cardio machines become expensive clothes drying racks and that delicious cheesecake over rules our need to lose weight. That climb you were going to come back to just sits abandoned and unfinished. Until, of course, the universe shoves you right back on it! When it does we are usually more out of shape than the last time we started the climb. What a vicious cycle we can play with ourselves!

This climb was that way for me. I had told myself I was going to make this climb at least once a month, I spoke it loudly and at the time I meant it. Well I haven’t been on that climb since February! I thought I was doing pretty well exercise wise, until I started to climb that is. I made it though, I may have stopped, I may have sat, I even said I couldn’t do it, but I did. I had my husband pushing me forward, he was my universal push, and so very needed. Every time I said I couldn’t, there he was with a little pat on the butt telling me I had this. What a great, yet annoying push he was. If not for him and that accountability I would have undoubtedly turned around. Annoying because this man was breathing just fricken fine! This climb was invigorating to him, while it was kicking my ass! I don’t even think he broke a sweat. But he never wavered, never complained that I slowed him down, and took every break right along with me. Encouraging me and pushing me forward. It is a perfect analogy for our spiritual journey as well, the universe gives us people that can make the climb we are on with ease. Not to compare or judge, but to encourage and push us forward. It is why it is so important that we welcome every one with love and acceptance. Those in better shape than you will lead you forward and you will then be that push for the ones you come across just waiting to turn around. Long story short, I made it! I finally hit that clearing that brought me to the overlook and let me tell you, the view did not disappoint!

The valley you see when you hit the overlook is gorgeous, full of green trees and beautiful mountain peaks. There is a waterfall hidden somewhere in the lush trees, unseen but definitely heard. For a moment you forget your in hot Arizona. The monsoons gave life to the trees and creek like I have never seen, and for a moment it takes your breath away. While I feel so incredibly grateful for the view, it is not what sticks with me, it is not what makes me proud. When that moment passes, the one that hit me when I made it, that moment of pure joy, all I think of is the climb. I am so proud of myself, I didn’t quit, I didn’t die, and I didn’t turn around. No matter how much I wanted to. While I am so grateful for the destination, I carry the accomplishment of that climb! It is what I carry in my heart and what gives my soul joy. I am here because I brought myself here! I had help, a few pushes and encouragement along the way, but I made this climb. Every single step, the sure footed ones and the ones I swore were going to break an ankle, and everything in between! It was all me. No one will ever take that from me, not ever. It was a very physical example of “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” In this case I am going to quote Miley Cyrus today, “it’s the climb.” Wouldn’t you know that song was in my head the whole way, it is where I got the title, if you haven’t heard this song, go listen to it. Right now, go, I’ll wait.

On my way down I noticed so many things I never saw going up. Animals, views, and mushrooms that made me stop and say hello to the Fairies I just knew must live here. It was magical. I know I will make this climb again, I must, I may have made it to the top but I just know I can make it faster, stronger, and wiser. So climb I will. Life is like this too, we often climb the same mountain more than once. The same climb until it becomes invigorating and not punishing. Learning something new each time, being ever grateful every time I hit the top. Sometimes you feel like you can’t, like it is too hard to finish, like your legs can’t possibly move another step, but step you must. Not only is the view from the top amazing, but the climb is what it’s all about.


Hello 40!


Trust Your Journey